
Friday Favorites: Workout Sneakers

Dallas blogger sharing her Friday Favorites for the new year including a round up of the cutest and most affordable workout sneakers to keep you motivated.
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Time to whip yourself into shape! Even if you’re in shape, chances are you have a few holiday indulgences to work off. What better what to stay motivated than with some cute new workout gear? I shared some favorites that I was eyeing on Instagram stories this week, but I got some questions to share more of my favorite shoes. Today for my Friday favorites post I am sharing my top picks for workout sneakers.


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Dallas blogger sharing her Friday Favorites for the new year including a round up of the cutest and most affordable workout sneakers to keep you motivated.

I always gear more towards neutrals and my workout clothing is no exception. When I do add a little color, I usually do it with accents, like in these pants I’m wearing. I loved the gold, army green, and even the deep reddish orange accents on these pants. This hoodie I am wearing is so cozy and can be worn to workout or just lounging around. It comes in several colors, too! I paired the look with my most recent workout shoe purchase– these white and black running shoes. I love choosing shoes that they will go with everything! I’ve really been loving all the blush or light tan shoes I’ve been seeing. I’ve never owned a pair like them before, so I think now is the time to pull the trigger! I love the rich burgundy shoes, especially for the winter, too!

To shop, simply click on any of the photos below and you’ll be taken right to that product’s page. If you size has sold out, feel free to reach out and I can help you find the right one! Also, some of these come in several colors, so be sure to click through to see them all!

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I hope this helps you all find a new pair (or two) of workout shoes to keep you motivated with whatever fitness goals you have for this year! Please let me know what else you’d like to see for upcoming Friday Favorites posts. Also, I am thinking of doing a post either bi-weekly or monthly with answers to FAQs. I get a lot of DMs asking me questions about my hair, beauty products, restaurant recommendations, travel advice, more personal questions, advice about what to wear to certain events, outfit ideas, and more! Sooo.. I figured I may as well answer them all in case some of you have the same questions. I’m still brainstorming a cute name for this series, so I’ll let you know ASAP. In the mean time, e-mail me your questions to: Lauren@aloprofile.com or keep the DMs coming!

Dallas blogger sharing her Friday Favorites for the new year including a round up of the cutest and most affordable workout sneakers to keep you motivated.

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This is my last day of vacation before I go back to work on Monday, so I am embracing it and have plans to be oh so lazy and cuddle with my pup. I’m starting my Whole 30 after this weekend and will be keeping you posted with recipes, tips, etc along the way! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. XO


My Wishlist

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  1. 1.5.18
    Briana said:

    What a perfect post! I’ve been wanting sneakers recently for school!


  2. 1.7.18
    Kelly said:

    Such a chic workout look and I love the sneakers!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

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