

The Weekly Lo Down | 08.23.22

How is everyone’s week going so far! If you’re in Dallas, I am sure you are struggling with some serious rain. But honestly, I am here for the taste of fall. Perfect opportunity to light some candles and get some stuff done while I am forced to


The Weekly Lo Down | 8.16.22

Hiiii – hope everyone is having a good start to their week! Nothing like coming off a relaxing weekend and really being able to start the week off motivated! But, reminder that if you are having a slow start to your week then that’s perfectly


The Weekly Lo Down | 08.09.22

How’s everyone’s week going so far?! In case you missed it, I finally shared my kitchen reno yesterday!! A TRUE labor of love. Home renovations are seriously the death of me, but it was worth it. My morning matcha has definitely been hitting different


Let Me Upgrade You

I am beyond excited to share today’s post with you. I recently shared on Instagram that I upgraded my engagement ring. I shared bits & pieces of the process along the way, but you


The Weekly Lo Down | 8.2.2022

Truly confused on how it’s already August?! This summer is speeding by. I absolutely love having a new month start on a Monday – it feels like such a good time to set goals and intentions for the month ahead. And it’s never to late to do


The Weekly Lo Down | 07.26.22

Happy Tuesday everyone! This is going to be the new day for my newsletter. This weekend had me in alllll the feels celebrating Emmett’s first birthday. I can’t believe he will be one on Thursday! Seriously questioning how time moves so fast. Also,


The Weekly Lo Down | 7.17.2022

Happy Sunday fam! We had the best time in Jackson Hole this past weekend. It felt so nice to take a break and spend some quality time with my little family! In case you missed it, the Nordstrom Sale is officially live for everyone. If you aren’t


The Weekly Lo Down | 07.10.2022

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a relaxing and refreshing weekend! It’s been a little crazy over here between finalizing the kitchen reno + going all in on the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! If there is anything specific you want more of regarding


The Weekly Lo Down | 6.26.2022

Happy Sunday ya’ll! I celebrated my birthday last night with friends and had so much fun. Always feels good to have all your favorite people in one room together! If you’re anything like me, you probably use Amazon as your lifeline and prime day


The Weekly Lo Down | 05.22.22

Hi all! Happy Sunday everyone. How was everyone’s weekend? We got Emmett a cute little splash pad and enjoyed a swim day in the backyard! Memorial Day Weekend is right around the corner so I’ve linked some cute stuff in this newsletter to prep.


The Weekly Lo Down | 05.15.22

Sunday is upon us again! I took a much needed break from Instagram this week and it felt really good to take a couple of days off. I think it’s easy in this profession (and so many others) to think you have to push through the burnout – but


The Weekly Lo Down | 05.09.2022

Happy Monday everyone! How was everyone’s Mother’s Day yesterday? I was in all the feels celebrating my first Mother’s Day. It’s truly the best job in the world and I didn’t know a love like this existed until Emmett! It was nice to just


My Wishlist