
Morning Sunshine Smoothie Recipe

With the new year upon us, I have been trying to get back on track with my healthy habits, especially with what I eat. One of my favorite things I make to start my day with is my Morning Sunshine Smoothie! It is so yummy


My January Wishlist

Most month’s last year I rounded up some of the items I was eyeing into a collage for you all. I had so much fun doing it & you all enjoyed the items I shared, so I wanted to keep it going this year, too. A lot


Winter Activewear Guide

They say the majority of people who make new years goals or resolutions include fitness in some aspect. Whether your goals are to move more, get in better shape, or lose weight chances are that you could use some fresh


Winter Jacket Guide

Whether you’re safely going out & about or all your adventures these days include walks around the neighborhood, chances are you need some solid coats in your closet to keep you warm. We’ve had some seriously


Black Owned Businesses

Today is MLK Day. I always like to take some time to think about what this day symbolizes, but I feel that it’s particularly important in light of events over the past year. One of my favorite MLK Jr quotes is: “Darkness


My Best Purchases of 2020

After the end of each year, I love to look back & reflect in all aspects. I love to look over all the data from the year & see what products you all were the most interested in & purchased most. I also enjoy


My Wishlist