
The Weekly Lo Down | 12.11.2020

Another week has come & gone getting us one step closer to Christmas! I feel like there is always such a rush before the holidays to get everything done, so this week has felt busy & your girl is tiiiiired. I’m


Stocking Stuffers for Her

I love stocking stuffer gifts. Stockings are always the first thing we did on Christmas morning growing up. Since then, I’ve had several Christmases where we had a rule that all the gifts had to fit in stockings.


Stocking Stuffers for Him

I love the idea of giving gifts that can (generally) fit inside a stocking. It makes you think outside of the box & get a little more creative! Today I am rounding up my top picks for stocking stuffers for him. I also


My Dream Christmas List

Do you like window shopping? I love to browse online. I’ve been known to add a few wishlist items to my cart here & there just for fun. Each month I share my wishlist with you all with items that I’m loving.


Holiday PJs for Him

Yesterday in my holiday PJs for her post, I shared one of my favorite holiday traditions where each Christmas Eve, we get to open one gift. It’s always a pair of PJs that we wear all night & the net day. It definitely


Holiday PJs for Her

We have a Christmas Eve tradition in my family where each year, we get to open one gift. It’s always a new pair of PJs! We all wear them that night & into the next day on Christmas morning. It’s one of my favorite


The Weekly Lo Down | 12.04.2020

I didn’t have a new edition of The Weekly Lo Down for you all last week because of the holiday & Black Friday madness. I missed putting this together for you all! If you’re new, this is a weekly post here


November Top 10

November has come & gone & honestly, it was a great month! I really enjoyed decorating the house for Christmas, coming up with tons of gift recommendations


November Amazon Purchases

Wow, November flew by so fast! I cannot believer we’re in the month of  December & quickly approaching the end of 2020, which is so crazy to think about! I love the


Sweater Dresses for Every Occasion

Few pieces of clothing are more versatile than a sweater dress. You can find them in every color, style, length, & for any occasion. You can layer over them, under them, & pair them with any shoe. I live in sweater


My Wishlist