I don’t know what it is, but once spring is in sight, I order almost every striped clothing item I come across. Something about blue and white stripes in particular just feels perfectly in season to me. I adore how
I don’t know what it is, but once spring is in sight, I order almost every striped clothing item I come across. Something about blue and white stripes in particular just feels perfectly in season to me. I adore how
More often than not I really dislike being asked to describe my style in a few words. Idk?! Evolving. Classic with an edge. Neutral. Accessible. Everyday. Extra. It really depends on
Today is the day! I’m freeee. Food free that is. Yesterday I finished my tenth Whole 30 and oh my I feel fabulous! I had an annoying amount of energy at work yesterday, especially considering it was post-Super Bowl
I love that fleece is having a moment right now. Every where I look I see another cozy fleece pullover like this one or
It’s Wednesday, which means another work wear look for you all! I love a good pair of tailored trousers paired with a classic pump. It’s chic, classic, and professional. I don’t like my work outfits to
I’m definitely one who loves neutrals and I find myself wearing them so much this time of year. It’s a little grey and gloomy outside, so I tend to blend into my surroundings. I wear red (see more here) and
While there will definitely be a post in the future about breaking out of your comfort zone in the life sense, today’s post is focusing on fashion. Do you ever see a fashion trend and think ‘I wish I could pull
Thanksgiving will quickly come and go this week and then we will be in the full winter holiday swing! To start getting you in the spirit (we may or may not have put our tree up last
Call me stubborn, but there are some things I just won’t budge on. Giving up my shorts and mini skirts as the temperatures drop is one of them. It’s currently 100 degrees in Dallas and I’m not really dressed
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