
The Weekly Lo Down

This was quite a very busy week around here. Weekends obviously feel different these days, but I am looking forward to a little time to sleep in & slow down a bit. Things at work have ramped back up, which has been


Abercrombie & Fitch Spring Favorites

Lately, I have found so many items that I love from Abercrombie & Fitch! I created this post so you can keep track of all of my latest favorites for spring. If


Indoor Plant Tips

I used to fear that I was destined to have a brown thumb. This is a fact I was not willing to accept, so despite all of our instincts, when Charles & I moved into our home at the beginning of 2019, we started buying plants for around our home.


Sephora Sale Picks

The Spring Sephora sale is in full swing! The sale happens in stages based on your status with Sephora. Rouge members started saving 20% early on 04/17.


12 Tips for How to Fix Dry Hair

If you have started following me in the last year or two, then you may not know that I used to have SUPER long hair. I’m including a photo below for you all for reference so you can get an idea of just how long my


The Weekly Lo Down

It’s FRIDAY! Does that have the same meaning as it used to? I’m going with yes. I’m participating in Fancy Friday each week where we get ready & get dressed up like we would if we were going out. I’m


20 Spring Loungewear Looks

We’re all living in loungewear these days whether you’re calling it your quarantine & chill uniform or your work from home (WFH) wardrobe. Two weeks ago (or was it three? seriously losing track of time)


10 Reasons to Get a Dog

If you have been following me for any stretch of time, then you probably have noticed how much we love our dogs. They are our children & we could not be more obsessed with them. We are celebrating both of our dogs’


Spring Reading List

I know that you all are probably like me & you are looking for things to do at home when you are bored


Master Bedroom Reveal

Spending all of this time at home has really made us want to tackle some home projects, finish decorating a few spaces, & finally work on our outdoor area in our back yard. In the midst of all of this nesting, I realized


The Weekly Lo Down

I am finally bringing back The Weekly Lo Down! This will be a place where I share products I’m loving, things I talked about on stories, current sales, discount codes, & recent blog posts all in one place. I’m


8 Ways to Wear a Black Target Midi Dress

It’s important to me to be able to wear pieces multiple times & multiple ways. As I’ve gotten more comfortable with what my own style is, I’ve realized that I really love classic pieces that can be


My Wishlist