Whole 30


Sweet potato toast

Bread is one of the things I’ve learned I shouldn’t eat as regularly as I’d like (as in, every meal, and for snacks in between). I used to eat bread at almost every meal. Carbs are our friends. You know, like those friends that you


Acai ya later

Ah-sah-ee. Say it with me now. Acai is one of my true loves from my summer spent in Brazil. I’ve been scouring every place that claims they have Brazilian acai bowls since I’ve been home. They’re fine and all, but they just don’t


Mom’s Chicken Soup

My mom’s chicken soup is near and dear to my heart. It has warmed me up on cold days, cured my colds on sick days, and always leaves me with a sweet little feeling of nostalgia. Food is powerful like that, people. Especially home cooked food


Fall salad

I really don’t understand how brussel sprouts got such a bad rep. Whoever started the idea that brussels are gross has taste buds I don’t trust. Or maybe they were served by someone who didn’t know how to cook. These days, I can’t


Tomato Basil Soup

Tomato and basil are truly a perfect pairing. Turn it into soup and add grilled cheese and it only gets better. Something about this combination is so comforting to me. One bite and I am brought back to being a little kid at the dinner table with family


Carrot Cake Smoothie Bowl

A bowl and some toppings can quickly turn a snack sized smoothie into a satisfying meal. I recently had a craving for some carrot cake and wondered if I could make a smoothie to curb the craving. Lucky for me (and now lucky for you), I succeeded. It


Chili Recipe

It’s time to get heated. As the temperatures drop, I think a great way to warm up is with a big bowl of chili. Sharing my recipe is sort of giving you the gold. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Who wants to buy the cow if the


Chocolate Smoothie Recipe

This chocolate smoothie recipe quickly became one of my favorites. It’s sweet enough to satisfy my chocolate cravings, but is also loaded with super foods and protein so it keeps me full until my next meal. I had this smoothie for breakfast every


Organic Chicken Coconut Curry

I had an organic chicken coconut curry at a restaurant in Rio that was to die for. I loved the restaurant so much that I went back the next time I visited Rio. Everything was so healthy, fresh, unique, and delicious. Before I finished my dish (and


The Whole 30

You may have heard of the Whole 30 before. Maybe you have a friend who was your DD for 30 days because they weren’t drinking. Maybe you noticed someone asking a lot of questions about what ingredients restaurants use when cooking their food.


Pesto Zoodles

I’ve been a fan of pesto for as long as I remember. However, it reached a whole new level last summer though when I visited Cinque Terre in Italy. Given that pesto originated just a few ports away in Genoa, it is no surprise that eating it daily


Green Smoothie Recipe

Which recipe receives the title of ‘my favorite green smoothie’ changes often. A new discovery of how to combine ingredients usually happens when I am out of one of my go tos of the moment and am left searching the kitchen for what else


My Wishlist