
The Best Work From Home Tips

With the recent Coronavirus recommendations, most of us, including myself, are now completing work from home! Transitioning from operating in an office space to working from home can be difficult mentally & impact your daily motivation. When your mind is used to relaxing, cooking & decompressing at home, it can be hard to create consistency & scheduling. Whether you are working from home temporarily or just started a job that allows you to work from home consistently, I am sharing my favorite tips for making your time the most successful.

A list of key strategies to use when you work from home. Whether you need help getting organized or motivated, this list will help you be successful.

Create a Morning Routine

Did you know our minds crave consistency? Having a consistent morning routine helps the mind awaken & prepare for the day especially when you work from home. Everyone’s morning routine is different & there is no perfect formula other than having 2-3 things you do almost every morning. Choose items that you will look forward to! Examples of morning activities:

Set Up a Dedicated Working Space

Whether you have a dedicated office in your home or a table you can denote your specific working spot, having a dedicated working space when you work from home is key. When you get in your working area, your mind will start to understand that it is time to work! If you have room for a desk, there are some pretty cheap options. I have included some great products to set up your space below.

Plan Out Your Day, Every Day

Success comes when we have a plan! Each morning when you sit down to begin work, set aside a few minutes to write down what you are looking to accomplish that day. This is great to do on Mondays if you can plan for the entire week & then tweak or add a few things each morning. Some people like to do this electronically on Apple Notes & some prefer the old fashion paper route. If you are in that boat, my absolute favorite planners are here & the pens I use every single day (no exceptions) are here!

Time Batch Your Tasks

I personally create time slots to batch my tasks together & complete them all at once. For example, instead of checking my emails all throughout the day, I check them 1-2 times a day. That time is specifically set aside for emails. If I checked email all day, that would slow me down on other tasks, like writing blog posts or making videos. That might look different for you depending on your job, but the idea for time batching is to set aside time for tasks, complete them & don’t get distracted with what is incoming because that can be completed during its time slot. This concept helps me mark most items off of my to-do list.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks has shown to produce better performance & better quality work. Find out what types of breaks you like to take (snack break, taking a walk outside, a quick phone call to a friend) & incorporate a few of those into your day. once you have had your break, you can start on a new task & be more efficient. I like to think of breaks as little mini-goals throughout the day.

Incorporate Movement/Physical Activity

Whether you prefer to exercise in the mornings, at lunch or after your work day, find time to move your body. Physical movement has strong benefits for our mental health. For me, physical movement helps me to feel good in my body & helps me stay concentrated throughout the day. I have been working out at home for a while & for some of you this may be new. Check out my health tab on my blog for more of my tips. Also, I have linked some of my at home workout equipment below.

Set Goals & Reward Yourself

If you are working from home or working for yourself, creating a goal & reward system can help you stay on track to reaching your goals. When you are mapping out your week, create a few goals and a few rewards. For example, tell yourself if you finish XYZ you can get yourself that pair of earrings you have been wanting or let yourself wrap up an hour or two earlier on Friday for a happy hour with friends. Short term goals help to motivate us & bring some fun into our at-home working environment. Whatever motivates you, use that as your rewards!

Overall, working from home can be a transition & a challenge, but I hope this give you some ideas for how to create the best environment & plan for you personally. If you are struggling with anxiety during this change, check out my blog post here for positive ways on how to deal with it. XO


My Wishlist

  1. 4.2.20

    Thanks for the tips! I definitely need to incorporate more movement and exercise more! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

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