

This post has been a long time coming. It’s bittersweet, but ultimately, I’m excited to share & get it out in the open with you all. In the midst of everything going on with COVID-19 & being quarantined


Spring Loungewear AKA At Home Workwear

I’m sure we are all living loungewear right about now. I always love a cute loungewear look, but for these hard times, it’s become essential. I’ve gotten quite a few messages on Instagram asking for spring


Melissa Wood Health Review

A few months ago, I added a new workout into my routine called Melissa Wood Health. It’s a low impact workout that


Dainty Gold Jewelry Brands I Wear Every Day

One of my most asked questions on stories is where I got a certain piece of my every day gold jewelry. I’ve shared photos of my rings, layered necklaces, earrings, or bracelets from time to time in the


My All Time Favorite TV Shows

Working from Home? Trying to do your part with social distancing? Whatever is going on, from time to time we all need a new TV show to binge. I have a ton of bingeworthy TV shows that I love, but not all of them make it


The Best Mac & Cheese in Dallas

I consider myself to be a huge mac & cheese connoisseur. If it’s on a menu, chances are that I’m ordering it. One of my best friends & I have long talked about what we think the best mac & cheese


All Things Green

Some of you asked for some ideas for me to share all things green & some St Patrick’s Day outfits so I figured it would be best to round them up in a blog post for you all. I focused on quick ship options that


February Top 10

I always find that January seems to last forever, yet February goes by in a blink of an eye. I don’t mind it, as February seems to


Spring Sandals Guide

Every time a new season rolls around I get the most excited about new accessories. I like to do a closet clean out + inventory on what I have, what needs to be replaced, what I’m ready to part with, & what I feel


NYFW Vlog Feb 2020

It’s been a few weeks since I got back from another season of NYFW. I went at the beginning of this month, but got sick after coming back & have felt like I’ve been playing catch up! I’ve had a lot


Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.

I can’t get Spring off my mind. It’s officially the time of year where we’ve had a few warm days mixed in with the cold ones & that is all I can think of & shop for. Nothing screams spring quite


My Wishlist